I offer tuition to beginners and to those with an intermediate understanding of the Psaltic Arts.
Tuition begins with an introduction to the Psaltic solfege (Νη, Πα, Βου,etc.), and proceeds with a gradual introduction of quantatative (intervalic) notation symbols, and reinforcement through paced drilling, and introduction of short melodies. As students progress, they begin to learn the basic nomenclature, the ability to read melodies with "μετροφωνια" (dry, without ornamentation) and gradually with ornamentation, the 8 Modes, beginning with the 4 diatonic modes, the two enharmonic (or "hard diatonic") modes, and then the two chromatic modes.
Instruction is given either in person, or over the internet through the Google Hangouts platform, particularly for distance students. The fee for the recommended hour's instruction is $40.00 US/week, although lessons can be arranged in 1/2 hour increments at $20 US. It is expected that students will thoroughly disciplined study and practice their lesson assignments. It is recommended that 30 minutes/day minimum of practice of lesson assignments. Students should also consider spending time with me at choir to be able to learn the proper "υφος". Those at some distance should consider travel to Portland occasionally to chant with us.
If you are interested in lessons, please fill out the form below. Please tell me about yourself, your years in the Orthodox Church, your musical experience, and your interest in the Psaltic Art.
For those interested in tuition in the psaltic art